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How to Prepare Your Home for a Stair Lift Installation

Stair lift installations are major house renovations you need to prepare for. It will significantly alter your home which is why it helps to know the specific things to expect so that you may prepare accordingly. Here is a simple guide on how to prepare your home for a stair lift installation.

Pick The Right Stair Lift

Stair lifts are mechanical devices that are installed on the stairs of your home. These mechanical devices allow physically disabled individuals or elders in your home to attain some sort of mobility. Stairs could be challenging for them so a stair lift helps them get up the next floor with ease.

You need to select the best type of stair lift which should fit the type of staircase you have. Some houses have curved stairs, spiral stairs, or straight stairs. As such, the correct type of stair lift should complement the type of stairs you have.

Identify The Contractor

Take a look at qualified contractors in your area so that you will get assistance and experience professionalism that will give you what you need. The contractor may also have suggestions on identifying the best type of stair lift that suits your home.

Make sure to review the contractor. Compare the different companies in terms of price and reviews by previous customers.

Clear The Pathways

As the installation day nears, you can prepare your home even further by clearing the pathway. More specifically, the pathway between the front door and staircase must be cleared of debris, furniture, and other items that can impede the installation process. Make sure to have a clear pathway so that the construction workers can go back and forth with ease. This also reduces the likelihood of accidents occurring.

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Some contractors will also prefer to have carpets removed. This includes the carpet on the floor and on the stairs. Additionally, clear the walls of picture frames and other hanging ornaments.

Stay Safe Always

Your safety must be the top priority. Any home installation results in a lot of dust and debris which can impede your ability to see or breathe. As such, alert everyone in the family of the ongoing installation and advise them to steer clear. Place your pets and kids in a separate room so that they won’t get in the way of the workers and accidentally harm them. Lastly, it helps to ask everyone in the house to wear masks and protective goggles when they are on the construction site.

Orient The Family Of The Operation

Make sure to teach everyone in the family how to operate the stair lift. Inform the kids that these are not toys to play with. A simple orientation on how to operate the stair lift will ensure everyone’s safety and reduce risks of stair lift-related accidents. This also helps them assist the PWD or elderly who need to use the stair lift.

Stair lift installation is life-changing for the people who need them. This home upgrade provides mobility in terms of going up or down the stairs. Visit the website to learn more.

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